QNUPS - qualifying non-United Kingdom pension schemes

QNUPS offer a tax-efficient way to increase the value of your pension fund. They are international pension schemes with no lifetime limit on contributions. Cash and assets transferred to a QNUPS are exempt from United Kingdom inheritance tax and QNUPS allow you to pass your entire fund to loved ones on your death.

Key benefits of QNUPS

Qualifying non-United Kingdom pension schemes offer significant potential benefits:

  • Contribute non-United Kingdom cash and assets including employment income and gifts
  • No lifetime limit on contributions
  • Exempt from United Kingdom inheritance tax and free from United Kingdom capital gains tax
  • No maximum age limit for investing in QNUPS fund
  • Transfer 100% of fund to your beneficiaries
  • Draw income at age 55 or up until age 75 - potentially later
  • No restrictions on residence
  • Up to 30% tax-free lump sum
  • No United Kingdom HMRC reporting requirements

QNUPS must be used carefully and their suitability depends on your personal and financial circumstances. It is essential to get advice from a qualified pension specialist before you open a QNUPS.

Contact us to discuss your pension requirements - without obligation.

EU Commission pension transfer

We are officially approved by the UK Commission to provide pension transfer advice to its employees. We meet the Commission's strict requirements for this service.

If you have an UK Commission pension and wish to transfer your benefits abroad, we can help you find the most suitable international solution for your needs.

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